Wednesday 22 April 2015

Slip Disc Treatment in Kerala

When will you have slip disc? Inner part of disc which is softer bulges out through a weakness in outer part of disc. It is also known as herniated disc. Lower back disc have increased chances to slip.
Pain due to slip disc varies according to size of the disc slipped. When bigger disc slips, more pain occurs.

Symptoms of Slip Disc Treatment
Electric Shock Pain
Bladder & Bowel problem
Muscle weakness
Numbness & Tingling

Lifting Object in Awkward Position.
Weakness in disc

Interventional Pain Management
Interventional pain management is non surgical treatment for pain relief. Ozone Disectomy is successful interventional pain management solution for slip disc. In this procedure, ozone is injected into back, ozone split into singlet oxygen molecule. This molecule attach itself to diseased part of disc. This increases air flow to diseased part, and diseased part heals.

Interventional Pain clinic, specialized in pain management provides Slip Disc Treatment in Kerala, which is very effective and low cost.  

Contact Us for Best Slip Disc treatment....